To make a payment, click the button below and please enter the amount (without a dollar sign) on the following page. On the payment page, please include your account number under Customer ID. Thank you.
Belmont Pediatric Dentistry, is pleased to offer our patients the ability to pay their bills online by using a secure payment portal. If there is an error with your transaction, it is important that you notify us immediately so that the cancellation or refund process can begin. Refunds may only result from overpayment, duplicate payment, or additional payments received from insurance. Any overpayment or credit will first be applied to any open account balances for the patient &/or guarantor. Refunds are only granted in the event of errors and overpayments and are only issued by check. Please allow 30 business days for a refund check to be processed. You may contact us at 704-755-4600 if you feel you have made an error in your transaction or if you have a question regarding a potential refund. You may also choose to review our privacy policy